Sunday 27 July 2014

The importance of maintaining your child's first language

Those of you who have come to the parent meetings that we have twice a term, will have heard me stress the importance of your child continuing to speak, read, write and understand their first language. If your child cannot read or write their first language just continue with those aspects that they can do. Research has proven that children who are strong in one language find it easier to learn a new language.  So there is no need for your child to stop speaking their first language when they come to school.  Indeed, it will be an advantage to your child if you continue speaking and reading to them in their first language.  If your child can speak several languages other than English, continue to speak these at home.  Your child has a great advantage over those of us who can only speak one language!
Our students at Oaklands are welcome to speak their own language at school, especially when they are playing games or generally interacting with others who speak the same language.  

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Discovery time on Friday mornings

Each Friday, all the Kakano students enjoy a variety of activities during Discovery time.  Children can move between activities, but the ELLs also spend some time with Mrs Kingston.  She helps them create, interact and generally have fun.

Here are some photos of Term 2 activities.

We finish off each Discovery time with an assembly. 

Friday 11 July 2014

Parent Meeting 25 June 2014

It was great to meet everyone again just before some parents went on the Kakano trip into the city.