Friday 10 June 2016

Our last meeting for Term 2 and follow up from our last meeting.

Our final meeting for this term will be held on Wednesday 29 June in Room 16 from 9.00 - 10.00 am.   There will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions that you may have after the meeting with Mrs Martin about the new teaching and learning model that we are undertaking at Oaklands.  We had a lively discussion at our last meeting and I hope that you have had time to think about what was discussed.  There may now be other questions you want to ask or ideas that you may want to share. Remember that the new buildings will reflect ideas from the school community, so make sure you have your say.  As always, pre schoolers are welcome.

I hope you have had the chance to go to the school library following Mrs Ward's invitation at our last meeting.  There is a great choice of books available for your family and you are welcome to borrow them.