Thursday 30 July 2015

Next Parent Meeting

Our first meeting for Term 3 will be held from 9.00 - 9.45 am on Wednesday 5 August, in Room 14. More new families have joined our Oaklands community since our last meeting and everyone is most welcome to attend our meetings.  We have an enthusiastic group of parents who enjoy discussing all sorts of subjects and topics.  Please join Mrs Smith and Mrs Kingston for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.  As always, pre-school children are welcome.

Monday 6 July 2015

End of term

It was great to meet so many parents at the Year 1 shared breakfast last Thursday.  The choice and amount of food that the children brought was vast!  I felt very lucky that the teachers had invited me along to share in the end of term celebration.  Some of you mentioned the fact that your children are sometimes not keen to speak in their own language once they start school.  It is really important that you foster your child's use and understanding of their own language and culture - if children are competent in their home language they are much more likely to become competent and confident in English.  School holidays are a great opportunity for you to share conversation and stories, so I hope you have some time to do this.  Enjoy the school holidays and keep warm!