Thursday 18 December 2014

The end of another year!

As I write this, the end of yet another school year is upon us.  I wish you all a happy holiday season and I look forward to seeing you again in 2015.  School begins again on Monday, 2 February.

Many thanks to those of you who have come to our parent meetings throughout the year.  Please continue to come next year.  Our meetings are held twice a term.  You will receive a notice about the first meeting of the new year at the beginning of the term. The meetings are an opportunity for you to meet other parents and talk about things that interest you.

Our main focus in Term 1 will be a Multi-cultural Day on Monday, 23 February.  We now have children from several different cultures at Oaklands and we want to ensure that all our children get the opportunity to experience different aspects of our various cultures.  At our first parent meeting we will begin organising the day, so please be prepared to offer ideas.  It is up to all of us to make this day a success, so do come to the meeting and offer your ideas.

Many of you will take time to visit the public library over the holidays.  There are so many great books available for children to read and share.  I have put together some strategies that you might like to use when your child is reading at home.  I am sure you will have other ideas to add to this list:
  • let your child see you read - children need to see positive role models
  • try and make sure your child has access to a wide variety of literature - jokes, poems, jingles, non fiction books (cook books, atlases, dictionaries etc)
  • have a quiet place for sharing a story or a book - no TV
  • let your child choose the story - don't worry if your child has read the story or book many, many times
  • remember to let your child see the pictures when they are reading a story as this helps with their understanding
  • discuss stories with your child - reading should be to/by/with children
  • and most of all, have fun!!!!   
Enjoy the holidays and have a happy and restful time with your family.